Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Dancing in the Rain by Amanda James

This book had a different feel to it than what I would class as the "usual ChocLit book" - yes, it's got romance in it, but somehow it is more inevitable and it really is more about the storyline here.

The first chapter sets the scene, and the next few chapters let you get to know Jacob.  However, once Jacob's job takes him abroad, the book takes on a totally different feel.  The descriptions are outstanding, and conjure up the images in your mind incredibly well.

I loved the visions, and how they worked to bring the storyline to a close.  I also adored it when Jacob met the woman of his dreams, literally.  The descriptions here by Amanda are amazing, and make my soul yearn as it is a little envious as it is still searching for the one.....

The romance between Jacob and Rosenya is sort of a given, and Dancing in the Rain is more about the role that Jacob discovers he must play in order to prevent a disaster from happening....

A fun and gripping roller coaster, which is highly recommended by me.

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