Saturday, 25 October 2014

COMPETITION: Saving Grace by Jane Green

This week a copy of Saving Grace by Jane Green arrived in my post box.....and once I have read it, you will be able to find my review on this blog!

Jane Green is the bestselling author or over fifteen novels, and this is her latest beauty, about a shattered marriage and a devastating betrayal.  To celebrate, Macmillan are collating as many tips for a long and happy relationship as they can.  Whether you're married or not, tell them what you think keeps love alive, long term by visiting their website here.

In addition, Macmillan have also offered readers of Book-Love-Bug, some fabulous prizes.  There will be four winners in total and the available prizes consist of:
  • 3 hardback copies of Saving Grace by Jane Green; AND
  • 1 scented candle (the perfume of which was personally created by Jane Green herself). 

Entering is simple, just follow the instructions in the Rafflecopter below....


  1. Time apart, sometimes too much time together causes arguments, you need to miss your partner. Also having different hobbies.

  2. A big shed (aka the dog house) for him to live in!!!! x

  3. respect for each other

  4. Mutual respect and understanding. Above all - Listen.

  5. communication..cannot work without it at all!

  6. Trust, respect and a great sense of humour.

  7. Laugh a lot, give each other space, separate hobbies and friends.

  8. A lot of consideration and passion for the other person <3

  9. Trust, communication and patience. Married

  10. Definitely trust in my experience

  11. Letting go of the little things and talking through the big things

  12. For me it has to be working through the hard stuff and not just giving in (Army wife of 15 yrs)

  13. try to watch a film your partner likes but you don't try to get involve in each other interests

  14. To smile a lot and talk to each other

  15. Never go to bed at night without having made up after an argument.

  16. Trust and being open and honest.


I'd love to hear what you think! Leave me a comment here: