Saturday 3 March 2012

Taking a break.....!

I just wanted to send a quick message out to all my followers, and my lovely blogging friends, to say that I'm going to be taking a break from everything for a while.  I start a new job on Monday, after being a perpetual postgraduate student, so life is going to be a bit upside down for a while whilst I adjust to full time work (it's certainly about time at my age...!!)

I will try, as far as is possible, to keep on top of all book reviews, but they make take longer than previously, so I'm hoping you'll all be patient with me.  I'll also try to keep up with your reviews as much as I can but please forgive my silence, lack of comments and tweets for the foreseeable future.

Thank you all for the support of the past months and I look forward to being back on top of everything.  

Love to all xxx


  1. Enjoy your break.
    Good luck with the new job!

    I am taking a break (of sorts) from blogging for a few weeks.


  2. Good luck with your new job Kirsty.

  3. Good luck with everything! Look forward to seeing you around when you get chance. :)

  4. good luck with your new job - hope all goes well

  5. Congratulations on the new job. You'll be fab :) Be looking out for you x

  6. Good luck and congrats with the new job!


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